19 Feb, 07 - 19:45
Fixing the sea anchor, trip line and making a new rudder. Will post my update here shortly. Back to work at hand.
(ps. Nick, skipper - Fairwinds - The trip line we fixed was too thin, its chaffed in various places).
The tracking map on the right shows the progress from Day 1 to Day 5
thanks for the messages on the Sat phone. Havent had the time to reply to them all as yet.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Day 7 - Back to work
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Labels: 4th Attempt
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Day 6 - Broken rudder, torn anchor, rocks
18 Feb, 07 - 16:27
Last night at around 11.00 after trying my best to leave the
currents I decided to make my way to a nearby port to fix the
rudder rather than risk getting shipwrecked onto the rocks. The sea anchor looks like it torn as its been dragged along the sea floor. A lot more work ahead. Mentally and physically exausted after rowing all night trying to keep off the rocks. Nothing but darkness and crashing waves around.
will post my update here shortly.
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Day 5 - Drifting onshore, broken rudder
17 Feb, 07 - 16:27
Did not get much sleep all night. I had to keep waking up check the drift on the GPS every two hours and then getting on deck and trying to row away from shore. Think I have lost about 5 miles of progress east and looks like the sea anchor is not helping and in fact drifting with the boat is caught in a strong current.
Been trying to fix the rudder problem all day. Had a call with Rune this morning. Forecast for Monday, Tue and Wed promise good NW winds, so I can get around El Hierro by making sufficient progress South East. The boat is drifting closer to shore even with the sea anchor out. I have about 3 hrs of daylight left to sort something out.
I am within hearing range of the breaking waves by the cliff. Can see the volcanic beach from the boat.
All day been trying to take the sea anchor off and row out of it only to get swept back again towards shore.
Its very hard steering the boat without the rudder and takes about 10 mins to turn it around. Cannot use the wind either as I am stuck on the leeward side of the headland. My hands are sore from pulling 300 ft of anchor line and trip line each time I put the anchor out and pull it in again.
Back to work trying to row out of here.
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Friday, February 16, 2007
Day 4 - 25knot NW winds, damage
16 Feb, 07 - 20:27
The NW winds came thru last night as advertised. The wind died
down last night around 12.00 am, sea flat as calm and then
accelerated again to 25-30 knots NW. I had to go on deck twice
last night, to make sure that the oars were secured.
Pitch black out there, but judging by the drop of the boat in
between waves, I'm guessing the swell was 5-6ft. The waves
kept slamming over the hatch last night. Around 6.00 am, I
heard a huge crash but too dark to investigate.
At daylight, I dived under the boat to check the rudder in the morning only to find that the force of the wave ripped the rudder off the locking pins that holds the rudder in place. The rudder is freely swinging, held only by the tiller lines.
I've let the boat drift with the NW winds all day, while I
have been trying to find a solution to keep the rudder in
place. Unsuccessfully tried securing it in place with rope and an extra tiller lines on each side.
The winds have changed again and the sea anchor is out.
Will have to keep trying to fix the rudder, and its difficult hanging out of the rear hatch in the swell. If all else fails, I will have to row back to a nearby bay fix it there in calmer waters.
Have not eaten or slept much. Need to get this fixed and start rowing south. Will post an update tomorrow.
Tired and stressed
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Day 3 - 'fins in the water & progress South
15 Feb, 07 - 18.20
Woke up this morning at 5.00 am to find I have drifted further still despite of the anchor.It must have caught a current below the surface.
Still no change in the wind.
At about 8.00 am this morning saw a few fins in the water as I was out on deck rowing. A little progress made south.
Would like to make atleast 20 miles progress further
South. Haven't been able to eat or sleep much since Monday,
when I left La Gomera. Had a brief call with Graham Walker and then
a phone call with Rune Larsson to discuss the weather
forecast. Hope to expect NW winds tonight, which will make more favourable rowing conditions.
So more waiting on the sea anchor for today till the winds change!
Mood about 4/10.
Morning visitor
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Day 2 - Fighting the drift
14 Feb, 07 - 21:30
I put the sea anchor out last night to stop drifting towards
the other side of La Gomera but woke up this morning to find that the boat has drifted further West again. Very very frustrating. The strong current has dragged the sea anchor. The radar reflector alarm also went off twice last night. I woke up and went out on deck but it was pitch dark and no sign of any boat, which I guess is hidden behind the horizon. The boat is also sitting quite low in the swell, about 3 ft on either side of the boat.
The sea state changed to calm again this morning and I took the sea anchor out and started rowing at 6.00 am to further south-east away from El Heirro.
I am trying desperately to avoid getting caught in the circular currents between La Gomera and El Hierro.
Conditions began to get rough at just 12.00 am , with winds
and waves in different directions. The effect of the land
heating faster than the water, and the various currents and
counter currents around the island.
I had to put the sea anchor again.
A bit more stress as a few curious sailing and fishing boats came by, while I was on the sea anchor. I've got a 40m anchor line and a 50m
trip line and have had to get on the radio at tell them to maintain a 60m radius in case their propeller or keel catches the lines floating just below the surface. So had to keep constant watch. No chance to sleep.
Checked the weather forecast with Tatiana at the ORS and North-Westerly winds due in the next 24 hrs, which is exactly what I need to be able to row further South East, away from El Hierro. So, its a very long wait once again on the anchor and spending the day in my 6ft by 2 ft cabin.
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Day 1 - Tacking South
13 Feb, 07 - 20:30
Could not sleep much since last night. Still fairly close to
shore and had to keep watch every 2 hrs. The boat is being
pushed west towards El Hierro, the other island to the South West.
Trying to row further south, but the North Easterly winds
generating beam on seas and making it hard to row due South.
Made about 3 miles progress South by rowing with the bow into
the opposing waves, using the downward momentum of the boat
to get up the next one.
Around 4.00 pm, I could hear the engines of a large ferry and saw one appear about 1/2 an hour later. Got on the radio to make sure that they saw the boat on their radar.
The sea finally calmed down a bit after 6 pm and I got another
few hrs of rowing in the night. Pitch dark all around. Had a brief phone call with Graham Walker.
Still very tired and body still getting used to the sea.
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Start Day - Monday 12th Feb
12 Feb, 07 - 20:06
A few faithful fans turned up, yet again for the third time to cast off
the boat at 11.30. I left port at exactly 11.55 am.
Decided to set a course for due South, 180 deg, but with the
beam on waves, caused by the winds from the North West, I was forced to tack between 150 deg and 210 deg. Had a lot of trouble getting past the mixed winds as well, caused by the WAZ (the wind acceleration zone) between Tenerife and La Gomera on my port side and winds blowing around the San Sebastian headland on the starboard side.
As the sun set around 7.00 pm and the temperature fell sharply as the wind blows across the snow capped peak of Tiede on Tenerife.
It's pitch dark outside right now. Arms hurting from rowing 7 hrs today, trying to keep the boat on course. She is very heavy right now with all the food and ballast on board and takes at least 10 mins to turn around 180.
Its 8.00 pm now, which will be my fixed time to write the ships log and take my position fix at the end of each day. My next row starts at 4.00 am.
Thanks for the messages,
Sunset Ver 1.0 - on the first day
Mt Teide as seen from the boat
La Gomera as seen from the stern
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Labels: 3rd Attempt
Monday, February 12, 2007
Third attempt ! 11 Feb, 07 - 05:45
After finally working my way thru the repairs and new coastguard regulations, my third attempt to row the Atlantic starts today, Feb 11, 2007. Estimated time of arrival at English Harbour, Antigua - May 11th.
Will post an update from sea in the next 24 hrs,
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