19 June, 07 – 14.19 GMT
Continued from the previous page.
Photo 1: TRYING TO STAY OFF: I finally turned the bow around, working just one oar with both hands. Desperatly trying to steer it away from the reef. My hands clawed up and had severe stomach cramps. With every second, the wind pushed the boat further onto the reef.
Photo 2: HIT THE REEF: A lot of conflicting directions from the coastguard and the photographers on the location of the corral underneath. I could not see the corral as my back was towards the front, trying to row away. The bottom of the boat finally struck the reef.
Photo 3: TRYING TO ROW OFF: An officer from the coast guard jumped and started swimming towards the boat to help with getting it off the reef. Unfortunately he got into trouble in the water and had to be rescued (not shown here). Trying to push the boat off the reef with the oar and row onto the beach in instead (Plan C) of the pier at Military Camp Blizzard. Photographers, Press and TV taking photos of me stuck on the reef and the coast guard trying to save the coast guard.
What Would Robert De Nero Do?
(For assistance with co-ordinating my arrival, many thanks to Maurice Merchant - Office of the Prime Minister, Antigua and; Barbuda, Jonathan - ABSAR,HeadofChancery, Guyana and; Embassy, Sweden, A.Kelkar, S. Ambani, V. Tewani, Captain Nicholas, Commanding Officer, Antigua and; Barbuda Coast Guard. Photos taken by Ted Martin, Antigua.)
My contacts in Antigua:
OR at the Antigua Yacht Club Marina and; Resort
Land: +1268 460 1544 , Room 25.
Mobile: +1268 772 9605.
(or + 268 772 9605 from the US)
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