Thursday, March 15, 2007

Day 15 – Night watch

15 Mar, 07 – 21.40    

24 hr progress: 42.8 Nautical Miles
The radar alarm was screaming its head off all of last night, as I am currently crossing the Rio de Jenero – Bishop Rock shipping lane. Kept trying the VHF but no response on Ch 16 or Ch 13. No option but to keep watch so rowed all night, as I had to keep up anyway.
Pitch dark with no moonlight, but a brilliant star show out. Much harder to watch the horizon as it is hard to say where the water ends and sky begins and the stars get mistaken for ships light. The boat rising and falling about 3-4 meters (9-10 feet) with the large waves caused by a storm to the North. Only a few seconds at the top of the crest before plunging down again between 2 black walls of water on either side.
Finally saw the the shipping vessel and made contact at about 03.00 GMT. A cargo ship, headed for the English channel, which passed a little too close for comfort.
The sea has been nasty most of the day. More akin to white water rafting that rowing.
Some cloud cover, expecting rain tomorrow.
We're moving in the right direction anyway. In good spirits!
Thanks to all for the messages.


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